SignalHire for Recruiters

Solutions for Recruiters

Database of 730M+ candidates collected from all over the WEB! Real-time verified contact info for recruiters. Personal & work contacts.

Candidate breakdown pool by industries

Candidate breakdown pool by seniority

4,6 / 5
4,6 / 5
4,6 / 5
4,6 / 5

SignalHire is used by 3 000 000+ professionals and leading companies.

Best Recruiting Database Software for Hiring in 2024


SignalHire is a tool designed specifically for recruiters. Recruitment database software.

Candidates absent on LinkedIn

Find emails by name, position or location

SignalHire is equipped with powerful search filters that allow you to find email addresses by a person's name, title or location.
SignalHire Email Finder possibilities

Verified Emails database

All emails are found in a real-time mode. Before displaying any contact details on the screen they are being verified via 3rd-party verification tools. We’ve done the job for you.
Candidate database for recruiters

Find Email addresses in bulk

Unlike other tools, SignalHire allows its users seek emails in bulk for up to 1000 people at a time! Finding emails has become 1000X faster!
Database for recruiters

Find emails by name, position or location

SignalHire is equipped with powerful search filters that allow you to find email addresses by a person's name, title or location.​
SignalHire reviews

SignalHire reviews 2024

Subra N.

Director Staffing and Recruiting

11-50 employees, Used the software for: 6-12 months

Pros: The software has a lot of data that could be useful for a lot of businesses that require a data processor.

Jamie A.

Partnership Manager Marketing and Advertising

11-50 employees, Used the software for: 6-12 months
Overall: My overall experience with SignalHire was positive and helped me be more productive in my sales role. I recommend it to anyone on a tight tech stack budget.
Pros: I used the Chrome extension, so this tool is at the top of my list for ease of use and for finding hard-to-locate emails and numbers. The cost for this service is lower than any of the others I've used.

Paulina P.

Data Recruitment Consultant

Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Best thing about Signal Hire is that it's pretty accurate. We hardly ever get situations where the found number or email address was of another individual. It's very easy to use as well.

Andrew Hairs

CEO, Select Headhunter

A good product for gaining quick access to contact information. I have used a few of these types of apps and found SignalHire to provide the accurate information and, more importantly, great support from their team.

#Questions & Answer

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find an email address using the SignalHire email finder?
  • Sign up with SignalHire using your business email address
  • Install Browser Extension
  • Run the extension on ANY website on the Internet to find an email address of a person.
What is the best email finder?

With a hit rate above 85% and data accuracy of over 95%, SignalHire is among the best email finders on the market. Its browser extension allows you to quickly find relevant emails on any website on the Internet.

SignalHire extension for Zoho Recruit

SignalHire browser extension (available in Chrome and Firefox web stores) is integrated with Zoho Recruit now!

The extension allows you to enrich candidate profiles with their direct emails and phone numbers and export 
them from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or GitHub directly to your Zoho Recruit account.

Once the extension installed and connected to your Zoho Recruit account, you can instantly find contact info for 
a candidate and then export candidate profile with found contacts. The profile will be automatically created and 
matched with your existing fields in Zoho account. No need to manually create and copy & paste info anymore!

The extension works with Chrome and Firefox browsers.

How does SignalHire's email finder differ from Email Hunter's?

The SignalHire email finder finds both personal and business emails across the web and matches them with real people, while Email Hunter’s only generates a business email address using common email patterns of a given company.

How to find an email address on LinkedIn?

Use the SignalHire browser extension to find emails of over 85% of people on LinkedIn in just one click.

Why is SignalHire better than other extensions out there?

The SignalHire extension finds and verifies data in real time. It excludes outdated, irrelevant, and invalid information, providing the accuracy of found emails above 95% with only a 3-5% bounce rate.

Database software for recruiters

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